The Delta4 Family is the complete solution for both Pre Treatment and At Treatment dose verification covering all modern treatment technologies VMAT, IMRT, SBRT, 4D-RT and TomoTherapy. Being the only system that actually measures the dose distribution in the isocentric region, you can be confident that the dose delivered to your patient also is what you had planned.


  • Delta<sup>4</sup> Phantom+

    Delta4 Phantom+

    A wireless system that offers accurate and efficient verification of your IMRT, VMAT and TomoTherapy plans. This is the only system that actually measures the dose distribution in the isocentric region. Featuring:

    • Integrated Wi-Fi and Battery operation keeps all cords away
    • New generation stable p-type detectors eliminates re-calibration
    • Easy to move from trolley to couch with no lifting required
    • Absolute dose also available with ion chamber

    The Delta4 Phantom+ is also available in Plastic Water® (a registered trademark of CIRS Inc), consistent with the dosimetry protocols TG-51 and TRS-398.

    + info

  • Delta<sup>4</sup> Discover

    Delta4 Discover

    An elegant detector that fits perfectly in the Gantry, the Delta4 Discover accurately monitors the dose that is delivered to the patient. It automatically compares the delivered dose with the planned dose and independently verifies: Monitor Units, MLC leaf position, Gantry and Collimator Angle and Patient position.
    The Ultra-thin Delta4 Discover detector uniquely gives you:

    • Maintained clearance.
    • Beam transparency: The attenuation is less than 1%.
    • Minimal skin dose: less than 1% additional skin dose.
    • Highest resolution: Verify the MLC leaf position with sub-millimeter accuracy.

    The system is easy to implement and doesn't require recommissioning.

    + info

    4 ScandiDos Delta4 Discover video

  • Hexamotion


    The 6D Motion Platform uniquely uses the patient specific tumor motion pattern and replicates it in 6 dimensions enabling for dose verification in moving targets, dosimetric study of motion effect per patient’s structure and latency detection in the delivery system. With the HexaMotion 6D Platform you may also assess which patients will actually benefit from target motion management.

    + info

    3 Delta4 Motion QA Solution explained Most ad video

  • Adaptivo


    Adaptivo gives you full insight into your patients' treatment at each fraction, improving your ability to adapt plans as needed. The software not only automates pre-treatment and exit dose delivery verification, but also uses the daily CBCT to provide automatic daily and cumulative 3D dose comparison with intended dose.

    + info

    5 Adaptivo Patient Dosimetry video

  • IMSure QA Software

    IMSure QA Software

    Software for accurate and independent verification of monitor units, dose, and overall validity of standard, IMRT rotational or brachytherapy plans – no film, no phantoms, no linac time required.

    • Unprecedented accuracy from the patented "3-Source Model" algorithm, easy standard plan MU checks and comparative IMRT Plan QA.
    • Quickly confirm cone-based or MLC-based SRS plans including SRS arcs.

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  • LinacView


    Logfile analysis for every patient. Analyze machine performance for each fraction automatically with no impact on patient workflow. Quickly identify and resolve the root causes of machine delivery issues that can affect treatment quality. An interactive display compares a variety of beam parameters (up to 25 per second) with 0.01 mm accuracy for DynalogTM files, including:

    • Delivered and planned leaf
    • Jaw
    • Collimator and gantry positions
    • Monitor units
    • And more...

    + info

    6 LinacView Introduction video


  • RayFilm


    Complete 3D analysis of patient-specific IMRT, VMAT, RapidArc, CyberKnife and SRS QA. For thousands less, RayTM (Radiation Analyzer) includes advanced features not found in other film dosimetry software.

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